14. International Trakya Family Medicine Congress

24-27 April 2025, Balkan Congress Center, Edirne

Anthropogenic Polluting Factors and Pediatric Bronchial Asthma

Sevdalina Alekova Todorova, Reneta Koycheva

Keywords: children, bronchial asthma, anthropogenic polluting factors


In the real world, dynamic changes of air pollutants and meteorological factors always coexist. Children with bronchial asthma are vulnerable to the adverse effects of air pollution because their lungs are still developing, their metabolic capacity is immature, and they are more active outdoors.
Materials and methods:
An analysis of the available Bulgarian and international scientific studies presenting data on a positive correlation of polluted air and meteorological variables with the manifestation of acute episodes of bronchial asthma among children was carried out.
Globally, the main sources of outdoor pollutants are fuel combustion from vehicles, construction and agricultural operations, power plants and industries. Although coal-fired power plants contribute only a small fraction of primary particulate matter emissions compared to other sources, they are a leading producer of acid gases - sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides - and the formation of secondary particulate matter. Urbanization, especially the automobile traffic and solid fuel heating is another important reason for the increased incidence of allergic conditions and bronchial asthma among children from the city districts.
Anthropogenic polluting factors significantly contribute to the development of bronchial asthma among children, influence the worsening of asthmatic symptoms and provoke an increased frequency of exacerbations and hospitalizations.
