13. International Trakya Family Medicine Congress

26-28 April 2024, Balkan Congress Center, Edirne

Understanding Generational Differences in Work-Life Balance Perceptions: Implications for Healthcare Professionals

Snežana Knežević, Tamara Gajić, Dragan Vukolić

Keywords: work-life balance, generation, health, primary health care


The different generational cohorts have varying perspectives on work-life balance, which is crucial for healthcare professionals to provide targeted interventions for each group. Baby Boomers tend to prioritize work over personal life, believing that success in their career is the key to happiness and fulfillment. They may also be more likely to prioritize their physical health. Generation X struggles to find a balance between work and personal life and may experience high levels of stress and burnout. Millennials place a high value on work-life balance and flexibility, often seeking out companies that prioritize employee well-being. Millennials, who grew up with technology, prioritize personal growth, relationships, and experiences outside of work. Generation Z prioritize mental health and self-care and seeks out work that aligns with their values. The Alpha generation is expected to place a higher value on family and quality leisure time, while also embracing technological advances. Healthcare professionals targeted interventions should be tailored to meet the specific needs of each group. For instance, Baby Boomers may benefit from interventions that prioritize physical health, while Generation X may benefit from interventions that address work-life conflict. Millennials and Generation Z may benefit from interventions that address psychological well-being, such as mindfulness programs or access to therapy services. Understanding these generational differences can inform the development of tailored interventions that promote well-being, prevent burnout, and improve health outcomes for all generations. Each generational cohort has unique values and priorities when it comes to work-life balance. Healthcare professionals need to take these differences into account when providing interventions for stress and burnout. By tailoring interventions to the specific needs of each group, healthcare professionals can help promote well-being, prevent burnout, and improve health outcomes for all generations.
